
The Gentlemen's Retreat takes Gentlemen from the inner city and puts them in novel environments and situations, while stepping back and allowing them to go through cognitive dissonance, so they can truly figure out what being a “G” means to them. We do this through curated experiences (choice architecture) that they’ve never had before, which will allow them to learn more about emotional and conversational intelligence, grit, vulnerability and anything that is within the Gentlemen’s Code.

All of their learning is facilitated through the Power of the First Experience and interactions that open them up to thinking differently. They are put into situations that help them understand the world in a broader perspective in order to ensure their growth as human beings.

In the inner city, there is a lack of choice. In the Gentlemen’s Retreat, we facilitate choice making without the pressure of having to conform to a certain set of expectations. It’s a cultivated interactive learning environment that allows each Gentlemen to gain a deeper understanding of self, learning organically from the opportunities that the program provides.

Kenneth Chabert, Founder

The Gentlemen's Retreat is a life-long dream of Kenneth Chabert, a Bronx native who chose to leave the city for the pursuit of a different life.  He was a visual storyteller and has worked with TREK Bikes, Amgen, Alex and Ani, and Burson-Marsteller.

